How to Draw a Cheerleader

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Start this step by drawing out the frame of your cheerleader. First draw a circle for the cheerleaders head and then add the limb lines for the neck, arms, torso, and legs. Attach a torso shape as well as the outline or shape for the cheerleaders cos   


All you will do here is start sketching out the face and then draw out the type of hair style you think your cheerleader should have. In this case I made her hair look puffy and anime-ish. Add the lining for her eyes and then move to the next drawing   


Start sketching in the hair strands and then finish off her face by drawing the cheerleaders eyes and mouth. Don't forget to give her some lips too. Draw the low cut to the top of the cheerleading uniform and then begin drawing the shape of her arms    


The first thing you will be doing here in this step will be sketching out the details and definition for her torso. Start by drawing out her bosom which is her breast. Double the line on her uniform collar and then begin drawing out the outline of th   


Sketch in some more ruffle lines to both pom poms this time and then draw the shape of the cheerleader’s stomach and back. You will also draw out the style of the lower part to the cheerleader uniform as seen here. Guess what? You are almost done.


Since this is your last drawing step you really don't have a lot to complete. Here you will draw out the shape of the cheerleader’s legs as well as her sneakers. After you do that you can start erasing the guidelines and shapes that you drew in ste   


Once you are done and if you followed the steps actually, you should end up with a drawing like you see here. All that is left to do now is coloring her in. And that is the fun part. I hope you guys liked learning how to draw a cheerleader and her co   

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April 15, 2009

Description: “Give me a “D”, give me an “R”, give me an “A”, give me an “G”, give me an “O” give me an “A” give me an “R” give me an “T”, what does that spell? DRAGOART! I just had to go ahead and write that out because I was thinking and saying it out loud. This first tutorial of the day is going to be on "how to draw a cheerleader", step by step. If you are a football or basketball fan, that means you must be a fan of all the cheerleading teams that yell and shout out cheers for their teams to give the players encouragement to do their best and try to win. My sister was the one that asked me to do a lesson on a cheerleader. She has this fascination with them and when she gets to that certain grade level, she plans on trying out for her schools cheerleading team. A cheerleading team is called a squad and it usually consists of eighteen heads with two alternate cheerleaders in case they need a fill in. Not all cheerleaders are girls either. In order to do the different moves they need some guys on the squad to perform lifts and throws. Cheerleading starts in middle school, then high school, and of course collages. High school cheerleading teams are broken up in two squads; they have a Varsity and a Junior Varsity. For high school, these girls perform their cheers out of school spirit and competition. During football and basketball games they not only provide cheering, they also support the team, pump up the team, and provide entertainment for the crowds sitting up in the bleachers. They do this by using a series of routines consisting of tumbling, dancing, jumps, cheers, and stunting. I had fun drawing out the female image of a typical cheerleader and I think that you guys will have fun learning how to draw a cheerleader step by step. I hope you try and tackle this lesson with full force and for the girls that finish the drawing; you can color her in and decorate her outfit in colorful shades. Just think, you will also have fun learning how to draw a cheerleader costume as well.

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