How to Draw a Beach Scene

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Okay you will start with two horizontal lines, one for the ocean water and one for the beach sand. Next draw a slightly slanted vertical line for the palm tree and then a sun like circle for the top of the palm tree. Next add the lines for the fan le   


Next, draw out the shapes of all the clouds that are scattered through the summer sky. This is where you can get creative and draw out the shapes of clouds that you like and draw as many as you want as well.


Now that you are on your third step, you can start sketching out the design and detail of the palm tree leaves. As you can see the leaves are jagged and long and at this point look like long puffy feathers.


You will now start sketching out the ocean water horizon line and then begin sketching out the foaming ripples as you see it done here. Next, sketch out another palm tree top over to the right lower hand side corner and a small one to the left lower    


Well, you are almost done with this lesson. What I want you to do now is start sketching out the ocean ripples on the ocean water. Once that is done draw and color in the shadow for the biggest palm tree. Add some speckle to the sand so that you can    


This is what your beach should look like when you are completely done. Now it is time to have some fun. All you have to do now is go to town and start coloring in your beach you just worked so hard drawing. That will end this tutorial on how to draw    


This is a helpful tip that will explain how to color in your blue sky so that it comes out looking perfect.


In this extra tip step you will learn how to color, shade and detail your ocean water in Photoshop. Just read the tip to the right.


Here is an extra tip on how to use your dodge tool in Photoshop. Just follow the instructions that I have provided for you in the tutorial step.


Here is the last helpful tip that I will provide you with. This will explain how to shade your ocean water using your Photoshop stools.

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April 15, 2009

Description: How did you all like the last tutorial I submitted on how to draw The Flying Dutchmen? I hope you had fun drawing him out. Well to go with the Dutchman I figured I would do a lesson on how to draw a beach scene step by step. Drawing a beach can be very uplifting and peaceful because you can almost picture how you want the view and surroundings to look. If you follow the steps the way that I lay them out for you, you will also learn how to draw a beach scene mural as well. I didn’t include it in the drawing but you can add some seashells, wooden lounge chairs, maybe a beach ball, and even a few towels and umbrella or a hammock. You can basically make the scenery of the beach your own personal fantasy. A beach is a place to have fun with your family and friends during the hot summer months or even everyday if you are one of the lucky ones that live in summer climates all year round. When I do go to the beach, I like swimming, making sand castles, playing water volleyball, floating on an inflatable raft, and even making sand angels. At first I wasn’t going to detail the beach to much because I wanted it to keep it simple for you all, but then I said “hmm, I think people would like to learn how to sketch details”. So I did sketch in detailing lines for the ocean water, and add a bit of speckle to the beach sand. I also drew and colored in a shadow for the palm tree that you would typically see on beaches in the Caribbean, and down south like in Florida beaches, California beaches, so on and so forth. I will leave it up to you to draw and get creative with the design of your own beach. I will just give you the basic lesson on how to draw a beach scene step by step. Have fun and remember, practice makes perfect so keep on drawing.

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