Start by drawing your oblong shaped banana split bowl. There should be ends to the bowl to house the melted goodness.
You will draw in the design of the glass dish like so, then when you are done you can proceed to step four.
Next, draw in three good sized scoops of ice cream. typically the flavors are strawberry, chocolate and vanilla. Add three cherries too.
Add the swirl linings to the whipped topping like so, then add stems to the cherries. Erase the mistakes then add some jimmies if you like.
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June 19, 2017
Description: This is the last food lesson that I will upload. It's dedicated to these summer days that are filled with steaming hot air and beaming rays of sun. When all is too hot the only thing I can think of is cooling myself off. The first thing I run to is ice cold water, then I start wanting something even colder, ice cream. Here is "how to draw a banana split", step by step. the ultimate treat when you visit an ice cream parlor is the banana split or a root beer float. Anyways, don't get too hungry when you tackle drawing a banana split, it's hard but you can do it.