Drawing Kurt Cobain Easy

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Let us begin with a guide shape for the head and then draw the shoulder and facial guidelines.


In this second step we will draw in the hair that falls on Kurt's face. If you remember he had shoulder length shaggy hair that was never really styled, just laid straight. Once the hair is drawn, you can sketch out his chiseled face or jaw structure   


Okay, now we will proceed on to his face. Start with the eyebrows, then draw the eyes. Once that is done you can draw in the nose mouth and dimple in his chin. Add some facial hair fuzz on his face and then definition around the eyes, cheeks, and nos   


Finish his hairstyle and head shape by drawing the rest of his long hair. Add some random layers and detailing.


We will now draw the shoulders, shirt collar and neck definition. Kurt Cobain wore layers of clothes in an attempt to keep warm. He was a very frail looking dude that often wore sweaters. Erase the mistakes and guides.


When you're all done the line art should look like the drawing you see here. Color in the drawing and you are ready to show off the works.

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January 4, 2016

Description: I am a humongous fan of Nirvana and Kurt Cobain so today I will be uploading lessons on some of my favorite musicians both living and pasted on. To start, I will be showing you all how to draw Kurt Cobain in an easy style. This is not a sketched portrait, it's just my interpretation of how Kurt looks in my eyes. I guess you can call these next few lessons caricactures, but not in an overly exaggerated style. Just a simple, clean drawing of some of my favorite musical artists that should be easy for others to recreate. These are all original drawings. This style is mine and belongs to no one else. If you are a fan of Nirvana, than I know you will love this lesson on drawing Kurt Cobain. His music and lyrical style was one of a kind, and there will never be another like him. Thanks for joining me with this tutorial on a grunge rock legend.

#how to draw real people #how to draw singers #how to draw musicians
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