Drawing Bradley Cooper Step by Step


Sketch in the oval and strange crescent shape on top as just a reminder that his hair will be there. Also sketch in bisecting line down the middle of the oval.


Draw in parallel lines in the next picture very lightly (if you want with a straight edge). These are to help with eyebrows, eyes, nose and mouth placement.


Draw in the basic lines for his hair, neck, and shoulders. Observe closely where the lines connect on the basic guidelines.


For more accuracy, put your picture to the mirror. Also take your reference pic and put it there too! You'll see clearly differences between the two. To measure out where the features go, take an envelope, piece of paper or a ruler (straight edge)...   


Erase all the guidelines and other distracting lines. Your picture won't look exactly like this, but remember my picture is only a guide... that's it. Now we are going to start with shading.


The steps following this little help will involve stroking with your pencil to add a hairy appearance to Bradley's eyebrows and facial hair. Check out the direction of the hair flow for a more realistic appearance.


"Tools Of The Trade" I absolutely love giving tools and tips. In Step 9 picture. Let me introduce you to the ELECTRIC PENCIL SHARPENER. It'll save you plenty of time. Also I've used an interchangeable mechanical pencil size 0.7. The lead sizes used a   


The picture that goes with this step shows two different ways to hold your pencil to acquire certain effects. OVERHAND: Holding a sharpened pencil in normal writing form with fingers in the middle or near the lead gives you great control and thin/det   


You can use your rubber kneaded eraser for reflective lights, white hair strands, or highlights on the nose or in the pupil. Remember that the reflective light area isn't pure white--it is at middle tone. Your blending tools add a smoother tone to yo   


Start shading with a pencil, even a No. 2 pencil will do well. Shade diagonally around the eyes. Also fill in the pupils, leaving some catchlights. Stroke the eyebrows in, giving a hairy appearance.


Continue to shade in the white of his eyes below the guidelines. Shade more at the corner of his eyes. Do this lightly. Also shade in the side of his forehead, and underneath his eyes. I have not blended yet. I'm just adding more lines and make sure    


Now let's add more detail to the nose. Those pyramid type of lines help to place the shading. The tip of the nose is darkened for definition. Can you see how the basic shape of the nose is triangular? Hopefully, this will make it easier to draw.


Go ahead and lightly shade with diagonal strokes. Now using a .7mm HB or even 2B lead in the mechanical pencil is great. It doesn't wear down, you don't have to sharpen it, and it's quality remains the same. Here, use the hair flow method for his fac   


Here we are continuing with the mouth. The basic image is there and tweaking, erasing hasn't happened yet. Just shade lightly and remember the hair flow direction of lines when adding his facial hair and bottom lip creases.


Branch out to shade his cheek lines and lower part of lip. Look at my picture as a reference to see where the lower lines of the lip takes form. Also shading has started on his chin and neck. Leave a reflective light on the edge of his cheek--(Step 9   


Add curls and line strokes to his hair. Notice how everything starts out real simple then I build up on the picture. Always look at the reference, draw from it, and observe the placement of your shapes.


When you follow the arrows as you fill in this hair example, it adds realism. Hair strands start at the root and then flow out. That's what you the artist is mimicking. The hair shouldn't appear flat. TIP: When you start a stroke with your pencil, th   


Keep adding those hair strokes in the direction of the curls. It helps to keep looking at the reference and not assuming where the lines flow.


Keep stroking his hair, leaving white areas like in this picture. This technique ensures highlights in his hair. Make sure your pencil is sharp.


Continue to add more hair strokes. Sketch lightly over his face with your No.2 pencil. Do diagonal strokes or small circles. This technique adds tone to his skin. Shade his jacket and shirt. You can shade a darker layer in his hair and face shadows.


Add darker shading with your pencil. It is not how hard you press your pencil, but by the multiple layers you darken your picture with. You can press a little harder with your No. 2 pencil, but not to the point of creasing your paper. The dark parts    


The blending stump can work miracles for your picture. Use the skinny, tiny one for small areas, like around the eyes, in the nose and mouth. The larger stump can blend larger areas, even the cheek areas and skin tone area. Now if you want a really s   


You can add more white highlights his pupils by erasing or painting in with white ink or acrylic paint (water base). Also it's nice to add white hair highlights to his hair, beard and mustache.


Adding the gray background, along with the highlights in the previous step makes Bradley Cooper pop out more. I hope you've enjoyed this tutorial. Please fav, comment or LOVE IT. That would be great! Thanks everyone and hugs to you!

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September 11, 2015

Description: Bradley Cooper (born January 5, 1975) is an American actor and producer. He has been nominated for four Academy Awards. He is well known for "Wedding Crashers," "Yes Man" and recently my favorite, "Guardians of the Galaxy." He received an Academy Award nomination for Best Picture nomination as producer of "American Sniper" and for his role in the picture. I look forward to your Fav, Comment or Like.

#draw famous people #draw real people #how to draw real people #how to draw people #how to draw celebrities

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