Mirabel, How to Draw, Encanto

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Draw in the guidelines and shapes for Mirabel.


Here you will start to draw in her face, face shape, neck, and shirt line. Start with the face shape and work your way to getting her nose and mouth drawn out. Don't forget that little curl brushing the side of her face.


Since I don't know how to draw curly hair well, it was almost impossible to show you how to draw Mirabel's curly hair. So tackle this step with her hair the best you can. You will draw out the round shape of her eyeglass frame and then draw in her bi   


Draw in the rest of her curly locks on the left side to complete this part of her hair.


You will repeat the same exact process on the right side just as you did on the left side.


Lastly, finish her hair off and then begin to erase any and all mistakes followed by the guidelines.


When all is said and done your drawing should come out looking like the one you see here. Have fun coloring Maribel in.

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January 20, 2024

Description: Hey there guys. Up next I have a lesson that Drago doesn't have and that is how to draw Mirabel, step by step from Disney's Encanto. Now, I should tell you that I am not at all happy with this tutorial. I didn't realize how hard it is to draw curly hair so I struggled a bit with getting her hair drawn out to my liking. The end result is what it is. I think you will enjoy it nonetheless just because there were no lessons on drawing Mirabel. Anyway, go knock yourself out and let me know what you think of the lesson. Those of you who have more experience drawing curly hair may not find this lesson challenging, but for me, it was a struggle. Lots of erasing and redrawing took place on my tablet..lol Thanks for viewing and remember to comment, like, love, fav, and SHARE!

#how to draw disney characters #mirabel fanart #how to draw encanto characters #mirabel drawings #mirabel drawing #mirabel art

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