We are taking a shortcut in the guidelines. Draw the two circles with the intersecting lines for the eyes and nose. Get in the long lines for their neck and body. Then do the shoulder/arm lines and circle for hand. Sketch them with a No. 2 pencil. Re
Now draw in their mouths, cheek, jawline, and his neck. Watch closely where these relate to the guidelines and draw lightly please.
Take your time while drawing this picture because in this step you need to pay close attention to how his hair spikes at the cut edge. Remember to draw in his ponytail.
Try looking closely to where her hair appears in relation to the guidelines for more accuracy. Don't forget her barrettes.
Your drawing may look like this or you might have your own version. At this point, you can color in your picture with a medium of your choice.
Here is the basic color combination of the Anime boy and girl. Following this step are tips on sketching/drawing anime hair or any hair.
This picture represents hair flow from the crown (top) of the head. Imagine taking a wig stand and drawing these lines, representing the direction of the hair. 1) First pic at top is Frontal View. 2) Second pic at top is Side View. 3) Third pic at bo
These head outlines show where the hair height should be. Unless the person is bald or hair is slicked down by water or hair gel, the hair will have height. Two top heads are Front and Side view. Bottom heads are Rear and Top view. The arrows help wi
Here are some examples of hairstyles (in anime fashion) that you can see from the different viewpoints. Try making up new hairdo's. Or look at some anime pics to practice different styles.
One thing you need to remember while sketching your hair is light source. Basically the object closest to the light will be bright. The further away will be in shadow. The light overhead (moon) causes her bangs to shade her face, but the light is ref
PENCIL POSITIONS: How in the world do you create hair without the helmet, mop, haystack, toupe wig fake looking effect? The secret is in how you hold the pencil and the type of pencil's edge. Holding a sharpened pencil in normal writing form with fin
LINE - SHAPE - FORM: This is what causes that illusion. Click on the picture in this step and see how these shapes can form hair!
GO WITH THE FLOW: Basically, you're following the direction of object's shape, that is the hair. The hair will curl around, flow from, and slick to the head. The head is like a curved ball, so the hair extends from that ball by the arrowed directions
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January 8, 2013
Description: Anime is BACK! I've got a special on Anime Hair, which was very fun for me to do. We will start with drawing the Preview picture of the Anime Boy and Girl. Hey! This is the very FIRST picture I've done COMPLETELY in DIGITAL! Let me know if it meets your expectations! The rest of the tutorial will include tips on sketching the hair. I hope you find this tutorial enjoyable. Let me know what you think of this tut by commenting, faving or clicking on "Love It"! Peace n love to ya!