How to Paint Digital

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Like I said in the tutorial description, the painting process starts with the sketch. Before you start painting you will need a sketch to paint on or an image. You can use a sketch you drew in Photoshop, or you can scan in a sketch that you drew in y   


I will explain what each tool is that you will be using in this painting process. The wand looking tool is called the selection tool. This tool selects a fraction of color. The next tool is the icon that looks like a brush. It is actually called the    


As described in the step, this lesson is to be used with a tablet only. Now you will get out your brush palette by pressing the keyboard key "F5". Choose a small brush which solely depends on the size of your sketch and or image. You will change the    


In this step, take out the brush you made in step 3 and start roughly outlining the sketch. I do this because it will make the line art for the painting way cleaner and realistic. Make sure you have a tablet for this tutorial. Learning how to paint c   


When you begin painting down your flat colors, always have your shadow and highlighting colors. I picked some colors that make the skin tone look natural, and bright. Use a larger brush with the same settings as the previous brush you used to ink out   


Before you start shading, always figure where your light source is hitting your painting. This can take quite a while to learn. Sometimes I get this aspect wrong. First, start off the shading with natural mixtures of colors to the skin tone. After yo   


In this step you will start adding in those natural toned highlights to the face. These are areas that will make the painting pop out more. Make sure you add these highlights where the light is creating them. My light source is hitting the painting f   


Ok people, this step I have finished a lot of the shading, highlighting, and toning of the painting. I added some small strokes for highlights on the hair. I also added some bright and luscious colors to lips. The eyes have been tweaked a bit to add    

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October 14, 2009

Description: I have been asked over and over again to submit a lesson that would teach the beginning Photoshop artist, to paint a picture or drawing using a tablet and a program. In other words, “how to paint digital step by step”. Now the sketch that I drew really isn’t all that great, it’s just a quick sketch of a woman’s face. Before I color in my drawing or sketch, I will prepare my workspace with a lot of elbow room. Painting digitally is something that takes a lot of time and patience. Once my sketch is drawn I will choose my colors to be used on my tablet drawn picture. The main colors are very neutral and flat to start with, and later on the painting will look more colorful with deeper and richer texture. I spent a good amount of time on this lesson because I wanted to make sure that I come across as clearly as possible. If you have been looking for a way to teach yourself “how to paint digitally step by step”, look no further. I think this submission will help you in your problem areas, and help with the whole coloring process when it comes to painting in digital form. I will be back with one more lesson so stay tuned in for that. Peace out gang and happy painting digital.


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