How to Draw Zakuro Fujiwara, Tokyo Mew Mew

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The first thing you will do is draw the shape of her head. You will then draw the body guideline, as well as the facial line.


Next, begin sketching out the shape of her face, then draw the thick lines for her eyelids and lashes.


Okay guys, draw the top part of her head, and then draw the lining and edging of her pointed bangs. Draw the wolf style ears, and sketch in a little fuzz detail.


To get her face completed, you will finish drawing out her eyes, then color in her eyeballs. Draw in the lashes then the nose as well as the mouth.


Sketch out the shape of the her neck, then draw the shoulders arms and puffy sleeves. Draw the pendant on the choker that she ears, as well as the cotton like trim. Draw the long sides of her hair, as well as the strands too.


To end the tutorial you will first need to draw the length of her hair, the strands in her hair, then the outline of her bust as well as sketch in all the detailing. Erase the mistakes, the you're done.


When you are all done your drawing should come out looking somewhat like the one you see here.

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May 30, 2012

Description: Well guys, I was actually going to submit this character a day or two ago, but I forgot to make steps which is why she is still siting in my pending folder. Tokyo Mew Mew is becoming more and more predominate on Dragoart for an older show. Up next, I will be showing you all "how to draw Zakuro Fujiwara", step by step. She is the one that has the long purple colored hair and purple colored eyes. Another way her name is spelled is 'Zacro', but she is commonly known as Zakuro, or the last Mew Mew to join the crew. One of the main reasons why Zakuro is so “popular”, is because of her animal infusion. Even though Zakuro has raven colored hair, she is actually infused with the DNA of a gray wolf. When she is in her Mew Mew state, she has wolf ears, and a wolf tail. In the beginning she didn't want to be part of anybody or anything. She only trusted and joined the rest of the gang because they all came to Zakuro's aid when she came in need of help. Her personality is very much like her looks, bright, serious, and mature. In the story or manga, Zakuro has a job as a model as she has long shiny midnight purple colored hair, and a pair of intense sensitive eyes. Let's not forget about her long beautiful yams. Her legs are probably one of the most recognizable thing about Zakuro. Because of two factors, she is one of the well recognized figures of the series. I don't know what could be better, having nice yams, or having the DNA of a gray wolf? I think I know what I would choose, do you? Anyways you will enjoy this tutorial on drawing Zakuro. I will be back with another cool tut that I think you vampire freaks will love. Tootles everyone, and enjoy!

#how to draw tokyo mew mew characters #how to draw tokyo mew mew
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