With some simple lining, draw the guide for the head and shoulders. You will then sketch in the facial guidelines.
Draw out the shape and structure of the face like so, then begin sketching out the hairstyle which is droopy and layered.
Sketch in the eyebrow, then draw in the wide slender shape of the eye. Be sure that the eye lining is thick and dark. Draw the small nose and mouth.
Finish the hairstyle by sketching out the spiky long hair layers. Draw in the ear, then you can move to step five.
The head and hair is done. Now all you have to do is draw the shape of his neck, draw in the dress shirt, tie and suit jacket.
Add detailing to the jacket by drawing trim, cuffs, and shoulder seam lines. Erase your mistakes and guidelines.
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January 23, 2015
Description: For those of you who heard of this anime series called Devil Survivor 2 which is based on a video game for the Nintendo DS. Even though I am making this lesson for you, I'm sorry to say that there is not a lot of information on Yamato. I have never personally heard of the series, but I know a lot of other people have because I received more then five requests for this Devil Survivor 2 game. I do hope you have fun, I will be back until I say goodnight.