How to Draw Male Hair Styles


This first step is all about drawing out a simple circle for the shape of your anime head. As you can see I give you a helpful tip on what this shape is used for and why it is so important to start this first step like you were learning "how to draw    


Step two: you will now learn how to draw a jaw and chin as seen here. The jaw and chin are combined to look like the shape of a cone. Once you get that part of the face drawn out, you can start adding the facial guidelines.


There is a really cool tip that you can read at the top right hand corner of this third step. You will start by drawing out the "M" line which is the beginning of the front style of this male hair style.


Now if you followed the step correctly above you will see that your first version on "how to draw male hair". This is what you call a short hair cut that is commonly seen on some of your favorite anime characters. You will also find a helpful tip wri   


Look at this step and tell me what you see? That's right no lines. You will start erasing all the facial guidelines and once you are done you will end up with a finished drawing of your first instalment on "how to draw male hair styles".


Now it is time to start another hair style for our male model heads. Start with a circle and then draw a straight vertical line down the middle.


Start sketching out the front bang lines of your second male hair style figure. As you can see the beginning lines are uneven and random. You are going for a nice short hair style that is shorter than the first one you drew.


You will draw the lower half of the face which is a cone shaped chin and jaw line. Once that is done you will start sketching out the top of the male model's head and then add the hair strand lines.


Now you will sketch in the hair detailing lines on the right side to finish off the second version of the male hair style drawing lesson. You will now start the second half of this step which is "how to draw a neck". Draw out the shape and then add d   


Erase all the guidelines and shapes and you have yourself a finished drawing of your second hair style.


Now for your last part of this tutorial. Draw another circle for yet another head shape. Add the facial guidelines and then the arch for the hair front hair lined shape.


Start sketching out or drawing the shape of your male face which includes the cheek, jaw and chin. Once that is done continue onto drawing out the male hair style you see here. Remember to also draw the neck and then add a bit of detail on his hair.


As you can see you will draw out the top part of this male model's hair style as you see here. Add some detailing under the bangs and then move on. See how easy it is to learn "how to draw male hair styles".


This is your last drawing step and all you have to do now is sketch out or draw in the remaining hair strands on the male model. Once you are done you are done. If you want, you can add a face as well and then you would have learned "how to draw a fa   


This is your finished drawing. Color it in and you have completed this long tutorial lesson on "how to draw male hair styles step by step".

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January 17, 2018

Description: Anime and manga tutorials are always awesome to learn from. All the different styles, and posses to make lessons out of are virtually limitless. The tutorial that I will be submitting is going to be on “How to Draw Male Hair Styles step by step”. Male manga hair can sometimes be a very complicated part of the male anime character to draw. What is the difference between anime male hair and female hair? Well, the only difference between the two is the length, style and sometimes texture. Drawing male hair styles can be really fun because you can have them with long hair, short hair, curly hair, straight hair, you can even draw the hair in a manly pony-tail or even give him an awesome fade or crew cut. The tutorial that you will be learning from gives you three different hair styles that you can learn how to draw. These styles are what you would most likely see on some of your favorite anime/manga characters. I know that there is a few lessons on anime hair out there, but to tell you the truth they are almost all on female styles. I don't know about you but, when I draw a male anime character I definitely don't want him rockin a girly hair style. I think you guys will have fun with this lesson, because it is nicely drawn out and the steps are easy to follow and read. Maybe next time I will teach you artists out there “how to draw anime feet” or even “how to draw anime fairies” or something cool like that. All in all I know that you will definitely learn something from this awesome lesson on “ how to draw male hair styles step by step”. I will return so keep that pencil in your hand so you will be ready for more drawing fun.

#draw hair #drawing hair
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