How to Draw Valentine Snoopy


We will begin by making two shapes, one for the head and another for the body. You will attach the two shapes with a torso line and add the one facial guideline.


Use the head guide to sketch out Snoopy's head and snout shape like so. Add three strands of hair and then proceed to the next step.


Up next, use the facial guide to draw in Snoopy's beady eyes. Then draw the eyebrows and color in an olive shaped nose.


Draw Snoopy's floppy ear, then draw in the lining for the back of his head and neck.


You will now color in the black spot on the ear and then proceed to step six.


We will proceed further by drawing the beginning lining for Snoopy's collar, then draw in the arm, hand and fingers.


Finish Snoopy's neck and collar, then draw the first heart that he is holding.


Finish drawing Snoopy's body which includes the leg and foot. Add the toe lines and you are done here.


Draw Snoopy's tail and add the black spotting on the tail and on his back.


For your last drawing step all you have to do is draw in all the other hearts that surrounds Snoopy's being. Erase your mistakes as well as the guidelines and shapes.


Here is Valentine Snoopy when you are all done. Now you can add some vibrant colors to bring it all together.

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February 6, 2018

Description: I know a lot of you have been requesting chibi tuts and I promise I will get those done for you all soon. I will start this first lesson on how to draw Valentine Snoopy, step by step. This cute toddler like drawing of Snoopy is the perfect way to show someone you love them by creating a card or artwork that has Snoopy holding some hearts in a giving manner. Anyways, since I have done a lot of tut on Snoopy, this one on drawing a Valentine themed Snoopy is going to be pure fun. I will be back so stick around for more lessons coming your way.

#how to draw snoopy characters
1 - Super Cool
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