How to Draw Trippy Art, Trippy Art

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Draw lightly with your No.2 pencil. Start about a quarter down the page with this upper hump for the background trees. Then draw the lower slope. A little to your right from the middle draw the vertical line. You can do this with a straight edge.


Draw lightly the two parallel horizontal lines. Check your lines to see if it matches this picture. Then draw the "Y" or funnel shape. Observe where the lines fall and see if your negative space matches this picture.


I have divided this drawing into three main steps. Start this first one from the top sketching in circles, paper clip looking gates, number seven, the sun, distance trees, and the two shapes to the right. You can go over these shapes darker once you'   


Here you can draw in what I call the "dragonfly tree" and it's blooms. There is a lot of detail so take your time and have fun.


This is the third major drawing which includes the "eggs", flowers, and grass. Notice where the guidelines fall on your picture. As you apply the shapes, always refer to this reference for accuracy. If you want to erase the guidelines earlier, that's   


Your picture may look like this one. If you did not add all the shapes, that's okay. If you want to change the picture to suit your taste. Please do. This is a fantasy landscape, full of imagination! Create to your heart's content. Once you've finish   


PENCIL STROKES & TONE, SHADING, TEXTURE -- For your convenience, I have inserted this step with different pencils, strokes to use. And you can study the shapes that make up this drawing universe, along with tone, shading, and texture.


OVERHAND: Holding a sharpened pencil in normal writing form with fingers in the middle or near the lead gives you great control and thin/detailed strokes. UNDERHAND: Holding the pencil at a 45 degrees or near level to the table with end of pencil un   


The picture here is a great exercise for value shading. I've got a little secret tip for you to make things easier. You can download this to your desktop. First click on the picture to have access to full size. By right clicking on your mouse, you ca   


After printing out a number of the above template, practice shading in the values like this picture. You become familiar with this shading technique that gives you more control and confidence.


This is where you can practice some of the techniques like holding your pencil on its side to shade faster and larger areas. Start shading in the top portion: circles, paperclip halves, number seven, background trees, sun, objects, and the green area   


Take a blending stump to smooth in small areas and a piece of tissue to blend in larger areas. The darker you shade with your pencil, the darker the blending will be. The really black areas like in the corners of the "blooms" and lining around the tr   

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January 20, 2012

Description: Fantasy is described as imagination and landscape is scenery in a single view. This is not your classic fantasy landscape. It's really groovy! Since I've always loved “The Yellow Submarine” and was influenced by some its beautiful, out-of-this-world animation, I decided to take a try at it. One of the movie's most memorable scenes was the landscape and its psychedelic sun, hills, trees, flowers, and whatever else that floated by. From the Sixties to the early Seventies, this pop culture rocked the land all the way from England to the United States. I was influenced... no, not by the hallucinations, but by the art's beauty. Here is a homage to a wild, eye-popping art style. I hope you enjoy this tutorial and the brilliant colors. Don't let the brightness blind you to fav, comment or vote. Thank you.

#how to draw designs

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