Make a circle for the head, then draw the body guides which will form the shoulders, neck, and facials.
Sketch out the shape of Tomoki's face like so, then incorporate the ear, and thick chunk bangs. Make sure the bangs are pointed.
Draw the eyes making sure the top lid lines are nice and bold. Sketch out the shapes of the eyes, then draw the eyebrows, nose and mouth.
Here you will begin sketching out head and or hair. The hairstyle should be wide and spread apart.
Now that Tomoki's head, face and hair is all done, we can begin tackling the neck and torso. Start with drawing the shape of the neck, then draw the collar of his button up school uniform.
You are already on your last drawing step. All you need to do now is draw the shoulders, arms, and the detailing on his shirt. The shoulders should be defined, and his tie should be drawn out. Erase the mistakes then you're done.
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December 29, 2012
Description: Does anyone know of an anime called Sora no Otoshimono? Well, apparently there are members that love the series and because of this, I have received several requests for me to make a tutorial on "how to draw Tomoki Sakurai", step by step. I have been uploading a lot of anime related lessons because I know that there is a lot of members and visitors that really love drawing anime. Tomoki is the main protagonist of the series. He is said to be a teenager with a normal childhood or basically lives a normal life. His style is pretty simple, your normal school uniform when he's out, and when he's home he likes to rock his pj's. When Tomoki meets Ikaros his whole life changes, hopefully not for the worst, but for the best. Drawing Tomoki will enable you to create more characters from the Sora no Otoshimono series because once you make one, you can make them all. Have fun guys and remember to leave comments, ratings and also be sure to fav this tutorial if you love it.