How to Draw Ticci Toby


Make a circle for the head and then draw another shape for the body. Sketch in the facial guideline and then add the arm and hand guide.


Define the shape of Ticci Toby's face and then draw in the thick, long bangs.


Draw in the glasses and then draw the mask that covers his face. Add the detailing guides on the mask and then you're done here.


Here we will draw the arm and hand, then draw the hatchet or axe that Ticci is holding.


Draw in the hoodie and then the zipper tab. Add the seam for the jacket as well.


Continue to work on the body starting with the torso first, then draw in the left arm. Draw in the legs and you can proceed to step seven.


We will finish the drawing by adding the stripes to the sleeves, then draw in the pants pockets, zipper, and feet. Erase all the mistakes before you go.


That's all folks. Now you can color in Ticci Toby to complete the task.

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January 22, 2017

Description: Do you folks recognize this character from the Creepypasta gang? Well if you don't that's okay because you will be getting a lesson on how to draw Ticci Toby in chibi form. This is a very interesting character from Creepypasta, I don't exactly know his background but I can assure you that it is probably pretty darn cool. Anyways, That is all I really have to say because I have a lot to do before the night ends. I have a whole lot of family here for the holiday and I hope you all have a wonder Easter.

#how to draw creepypasta
1 - Super Cool
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