How to Draw The Chipmunks

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You will be drawing three chipmunks so start this first step by making three circles for their heads. Next, make the guidelines on the face, and body like so.


Begin sketching out the shapes of their faces, and then draw out their hairstyles on top. Be sure to include the ear lining on the sides of the face, and then draw the turtle neck collars as well as the shoulders and sleeves.


Continue to draw out their bodies which are in the form of long shirts. When that is all done you can draw out the arms and or sleeves, and then the hands. Next and lastly for this step, draw the shapes of their eyes.


Sketch out the bangs, and then draw the eyeballs, noeses, and mouths. You will also need to add the eyebrows, and draw in Alvin's hat. Draw Alvin's left hand, and be sure to detail the clothing a bit too.


Draw out the shoes or sneakers, and then draw a big A on the front of Alvin's shirt. Color in the eyeballs, the one tooth in their mouth, draw out the big eyeglasses on Simon's face. You can then add some tweaks and definition to their clothes and th   


Here is the finished product when you are all done drawing the chipmunks. I hope you had fun, and make sure to color them in.

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November 27, 2010

Description: Hey guys, I'm just here to quickly submit a tutorial that will teach you to draw the most loveble characters of cartoon history. I truly hope in this lesson, you'll learn the proper way on “how to draw the Chipmunks”, step by step. My favorite of the group is definitely Alvin, along with Theodore and Simon. One of the best cartoon movies would be “Alvin and the Chipmunks with Frankenstein”, I think it was called. It's truly a childhood movie I've remember for a very long time. Anyways one of the reason why I wanted to make this lesson is because of their famous Christmas song. Alvin cracks me up when he doesn't answer Dave as he calls for him before the start of the song. I grew up listening to that song on the radio, and now that I'm eighteen years old, it is still one of my favorite holiday songs. I really had fun making these three small tree dwelling characters, and I know for a fact you guys will too. Have fun learning how to draw The Chipmunks, and remember to have an awesome drawing day!

#how to draw alvin and the chipmunks characters

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