How to Draw Shinichi From Detective Conan

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To start, draw three sections to form the body frame for your character. Begin with the head, torso and hip guides.


Define the shape of the face like so, then sketch in the shape of his ear including the detailing inside.


We will finish this step by drawing the complete head shape and then his long, sectioned bangs.


We will now draw in the face. This only includes the eyes, nose and mouth.


Now that the head, face and hair is all done. We can move on to Shinichi's body. Start with his neck, then draw the shirt collar. We will then finish up by drawing the shoulders, arm, and suit jacket. Add the wrinkling to detail the jacket to make it   


All you have to do here is sketch in the jacket on the opposite side and then proceed to step seven.


Add the back end of the jacket, then draw in Shinichi's pants or leg from the side view. His hand is inside the pocket so don't forget to detail that as well. Erase your mistakes and then you are all done.


Here is the line art. Now you can color Shinichi in so you can show off your work.

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May 4, 2015

Description: For those of you who follow the manga and anime series Detective Conan, I think you will find this lesson most pleasing. Today, I will be showing you how to draw Shinichi, step by step. He is the main character of both series and is also who the story follows. Shinichi is normally a regular teenage boy but after being force fed a poison by members of a criminal syndicate, he was shrunk to a childlike form which is the child character or detective from the series. The more lessons I make on Detective Conan characters the more I enjoy reading about the series. I think fans will like this tut seeing how it's on the main individual of the show. I shall return in a moment with more lessons so stick around. I guarantee today will be a fun drawing day.

#how to draw detective conan #how to draw detective conan characters

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