How to Draw Semi-Realistic People, Sherlock Holmes

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First of all, how are you supposed to draw a person in semi-realism if you don't know how they look like? COLLECT IMAGES OF THEM. AND IN DIFFERENT ANGLES AS WELL. Viewing a person from different angles can really affect how they look like. Take note    


Great, you've got your references. Now you have to find the defining features your person. The reason I chose Sherlock/Benedict was the fact that his features were reeeaally defining. His face is very different to my usual art style which is anime. H   


Eyes are super important so we'll focus on that for this step. Sadly I still don't know how to draw eyes from a profile view so we'll stick with front view for now. Eyes can define personality as well, just like in cartoons and such. I haven't watche   


Here's a comparison between my semi-realistic drawing of Sherlock and my anime styled drawing of him (which was done from memory - also a bit rushed). Let's spot the differences. Semi-realistic Sherlock has detailed hair including individual strands.   


This was an old abandoned drawing of mine; never finished it. But this is a good example of why you need to collect images of different perspectives of a person. Good luck trying to draw someone in profile view if you don't know how the nose bridge l   


Last example of semi realism: Kili (Aidan Turner) from The Hobbit! This one's a bit contrasting to Sherlock so I thought it would be a good idea to do this as well. Eyes: somewhat big, large irises and pupils. His iris is dark enough to be coloured t   

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December 30, 2014

Description: Ehehehe ^^; how long has it been now, half a year at least? Sorry for being inactive for that long... Anyways, here's a tutorial obviously different to my Touhou ones - semi-realism! It's a bit of a difficult style to learn, especially if anime was your main art style for a couple of years (cough me cough), but once you get the hang of it and how to weave your way around it, it's easy as pie! Our model for today is... BBC Sherlock Holmes (Benedict Cumberbatch)


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