To draw Robert Plant, we should first sketch in some basic construction lines. Use a 2H or harder pencil and sketch very lightly so that the lines are easy to erase later on after we ink. Sketch out a basic stick figure shape such as this one. Be sur
Next, we should draw the basic human figure. Doing this will help ensure that the figure is proportionate when we add clothing later on. You do not need to include details such as facial features or fingers, but be sure to include the construction li
We can now begin drawing the face. Use your construction lines as a guide for where to place the eyes, nose, and mouth. His eyes should be half shut and his mouth should be smirking slightly. Draw the contours of his jaw line and the side of his face
Plant has long, thick, wavy hair that rests just below his shoulders. The hair should hang down either side of his face so that his ears are covered. The ends of the hair should come together in points, with each point facing a different direction th
Making our way down the body, draw his neck and torso. Don't forget to draw his Adams apple in the center of the neck. His nipples should be approximately one head width apart from each other. His navel is in the center of the belly. He can be wearin
Now draw his left arm and hand. You will have erase some of your pencil marks from previous steps. The upper arm should not be visible at this angle. The hand should be closed, almost forming a fist, as he will be grasping a microphone which we will
The head of the microphone should be almost entire hidden inside the closed hand. Draw the microphone cord protruding from the base of the mic and falling down the front of the figure, then wrapping around the figures left thigh. This helps give the
Now draw the left arm which can also be bent upwards, the hand again closed in a fist. Draw a bracelet around the wrist, perhaps a metal one this time. We should be able to see some of the upper arm this time, but it should be covered by a rolled up
Go back to the body and draw the belt around his waist. It can be a rather thick belt with a large, square shaped metal buckle. Be sure to draw the belt loops of the pants, one on either side of the buckle.
Now draw the legs which should be wearing tight jeans. Draw the flap of the zipper over the crotch. To help represent the tightness of the material, draw many thin, horizontal wrinkles around the hips of the pants.
We are now done penciling the image and we can now ink it. Use a Micron marker or a brush and India ink. Carefully go over each line with patience and be sure not to accidentally ink any unneeded guide lines. When the ink is dry, erase your pencil ma
You can add more depth to the image by giving it shadow. Establish your light source and use black ink or a fat tipped black marker to shade the opposite side of the figure, piece of jewelry, and every clothing wrinkle and fold.