How to Draw Rainbows
The colors of the rainbow start from the warm colors and end in the cold colors. I drew only four stripes but you can just add three more.
This is just a simple rough sketch of how a rainbow starts at the base as a narrow spectrum of colors, but then widens as the rainbow goes forward.
Finally, here is the finished drawing in this lesson as it looked when I was roughly drawing it. Here I just simply show how the rainbow comes in narrow, and fades out as it widens.
Start by making two puffy clouds like you see here. Of course you can position these clouds anywhere you want, but for me I drew them this way.
Now you will draw out the band in the middle between the two clouds as they lay far apart. As you can see the band for the rainbow seems to be stretched out.
Now for the last drawing step, all you do is draw in the stripes for the separate colors in the rainbow. Again I only drew in four, but if you want to make a real rainbow, draw in all seven.
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March 19, 2011
Description: Today I have a lesson that is going to be a rather childish lesson. I know some of you will probably not even look at this tutorial, but I did it anyways. My little sister asked me the other day about rainbows because we seen one in out backyard up in the sky a few days ago after heavy rains. There is so many questions to ask when one wants to know about the rainbow. This tutorial is not only going to teach you "how to draw rainbows", step by step, it will also hopefully teach you some interesting facts about the rainbow that you never knew before. For instance, one of the first questions asked is usually “what exactly is a rainbow anyway”? Some of you already know that a rainbow is just sunlight that is stretched out in it's spectrum of a few colors. We are able to see these colors because the water drops enable us to pick up on the tones. The reason why we call these beautiful displays of color 'rainbows', is because they usually appear after the rain, and their colors are formed in bow shaped group. There are seven colors in the rainbow and even though I didn't include them all, I just wanted to keep it simple. The colors are; red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and finally violet. When you want to "draw a rainbow", all you have to do is grab those seven colors and color them side by side in the shape of an arch or arc. I think you will like this tutorial even though there is really nothing to learn from it. I will be back later with more drawing fun so stay tuned in to see what I will upload next. Peace people.