How to Draw Pony Head From Star VS The Forces of Evil


Start off with a round circle for the head, then sketch in the facial guidelines.


Next, use the facial guidelines to draw in the large eyes like so.


You will now complete the task of drawing the eyes. Her pupils should be stars, and there should also be long lashes.


You will now draw Pony Head's snout, mouth and jaw structure.


Draw in some teeth, then make the tongue in her mouth followed by the nostrils.


Complete the shape of Pony Head's head and draw in the neck. Add some big ears and then draw a unicorn like horn.


For the last drawing step all you have to do is draw in a thick flowing mane. Add some brows and then detail inside the ears. Add a heart on the neck and erase your mistakes followed by the guidelines.


Here is the line art when you are all done. Now you can go ahead and color in Pony Head when you are happy with the results.

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August 10, 2017

Description: So the third and last character from Star vs the Forces of Evil. It's on how to draw Pony Head, step by step. Her full name is actually Princess Pony Head and she is from the Uni dimension. Pony Head is also Star's best friend and is very energetic. Anyways, drawing Pony Head isn't going to be that bad. All you have to do is follow the simple to follow steps and you will be done in no tome at all. I hope you enjoy this tut folks, I will return with other lessons that you will love.

#how to draw star vs the forces of evil #how to draw star vs the forces of evil characters
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