How to Draw Noah from Total DramaRama


We will once again start with a couple round shapes for the head and body guides and then sketch in the facial and limbs guides.


Define the wide shape of Noah's face like you see here. Be sure to incorporate the ear and hairline style.


Draw in his over exasperated face, and then finish the hair.


Start the body with the neck first and then draw the shoulders and arms. Add the sleeves and collar as well as the hands.


Finish drawing the body outline and add the ribbed lining to the ends of his sweater and then draw the button-up undershirt.


Add the seam line work on his pants and then draw some pockets.


Finish him off with the legs and feet. Erase mistakes and guides too.


You're done. Color Noah in from Total DramaRama and show off the finished work.

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September 4, 2022

Description: Right away I instantly like this character solely based on his look and style. Up next we will tackle the task of learning how to draw Noah, step by step. Noah is a very blunt individual that has no problem with telling you how it is even if he knows it will embarrass, humiliate or furiate you. His character design is also pretty simple, but if you are an absolute newby, you may run into some complications. Just work through those and proceed on until success is obtained. Have fun drawing Noah from Total DramaRama. I have some new tuts coming your way so stick around or come back around. Which ever you do be sure to do it.

#how to draw total dramarama #how to draw total dramarama characters
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