How to Draw Mickey Mouse Easy

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Make a circle for the head like so, then sketch in the facial guidelines.


Using the guide you just made, begin sketching out the actual shape of Mickey's head and face. Notice how the chin bulges out, and the cheeks are puffy.


Next, draw in Mickey's ears, then proceed to step four.


You will now draw the marking line that frames Mickey's face. This is usually done by making a wide M. Make the arch for the nose, then draw in a smile.


Lastly, draw and color in the nose, then finish the mouth by drawing out the lip and tongue. You will then draw the oblong eyes, color in the pupils, then erase the mistakes.


Here is Mickey when you are done. Was he easy to draw or what? Color him in and that's it.

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January 12, 2013

Description: Aloha everybody, are you ready to have some fun today? Great, then lets start with learning "how to draw Mickey Mouse easy,", step by step. This mouse has been grazing the covers of movies, coloring books, posters, and hundreds of other memorabilia. Walt Disney defiantly knew what he was doing when he created Mickey back in 1928. Mickey is probably one of the most famous cartoon character faces that people attempt to draw when doodling. I know I have tried drawing Mickey in the past when I was just starting out with drawing, but back then I wasn't too successful. Anyways, hopefully this tutorial will shed some light on the easiest possible way to creating a Disney character that Walt was so proud of. I will return with more fun for you all so come back around.

#how to draw mickey mouse characters #how to draw mickey and friends #how to draw mickey mouse
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