How to Draw Mettaton EX from Undertale

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We will start this first step by drawing the two guide shapes; one for the head and the other for the torso. You will then sketch in the facial guidelines followed by the guides for the arms and legs.


Here is where you will sketch out the shape of Mettaton's face structure and then when that is done draw the hairstyle.


Use the facial guidelines to draw in the one visible eye, nose and mouth. You will also need to draw in the marking on the cheek and above the eyebrow.


Now that the head and face is done you can draw the octagon shape of the torso followed by the wing like shoulder pads. Add detailing to the suit and move along.


Here you will draw in the three icons on his chest. Once is hoof like shape, the other is speckles and another is a heart.


Let's work on getting the creepy or ghoulish like arms drawn followed by the hands. Add layers of small shapes to create the arms.


Lastly, we will draw the legs in a spread out pose. When that is done don't forget the boots. Erase the mistakes and guides when you're done.


Here is the line art folks. Just color in Mettaton and show off you work.

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November 18, 2015

Description: Okay here we go with more lessons on some important Undertale characters. I will start with this one on how to draw Mettaton EX, step by step. Now, Mettaton has a few forms, the one you see here is his EX form and the other is just a default form which looks like a robot of sorts. I was actually asked to make a tut on drawing Mettaton in his EX form so here he is. It's actually a really cool character to recreate which means I had a lot of fun with making this tut. If you are one of the folks who has been waiting for this lesson, wait no more because now is your chance to tackle the task. I shall return with two more Undertale characters so stay put, the day is not done yet.

#how to draw undertale characters

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