How to Draw Master Shake

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Okay this is a very simple tutorial lesson with the first step being the easiest. All you need to do is draw out a series of lines to guide you through the next steps. Draw a straight vertical line with four horizontal lines.


What you will do now is draw out the shape of the fast food cup which is slightly curved inward. Next draw a straw line and partial shape. See so far so good and asy right?


In this next step you will finish off the lining and shape of the straw and then continue onto drawing out the face of Master Shake. You will start by drawing out the shape of the eyes and then a frown like mouth line. Next draw out the shape of the    


Well this is your last drawing step and all you have to do is draw out the lining of the lid to give Master Shake his three dimensional look. Once that is done draw out and color eyeballs and then a line on the tip of the straw. Erase all the guideli   


Once your done your cartoon character from Cartoon Network should come out looking like what you see here. All you have to do now to finish him off is color Master Shake in. You have just completed this lesson on how to draw Master Shake from Aqua Te   

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January 13, 2009

Description: Wow! What a long day so far. I have submitted a few tutorials and I think I will save the last one for later because I am getting burnt out. This next lesson is going to be on "how to draw Master Shake" from Aqua Teen Hunger Force, step by step. Now last year I submitted tutorials on Frylock and Meatwad and people thought that they were pretty sweet. Because of that I chose to do this tutorial to complete the gang and because a member of DragoArt requested this character as a lesson. I am always happy to fill request and if I can do them right away I will. The harder character tutorials take me more time because of the fact I have to sketch them out in my free time, not working time. Sometimes I will take almost a whole day just drawing out one character and to me that is sometimes a wasted day because I could have gotten other things done. Let’s get back to talking about Master Shake shall we? First off he is not commonly called Master Shake. Instead he is referred to as Shake for short. Unlike his other two friends Shake is very lazy, sadistic, spiteful, conceded, snappy and sometimes very mean. His image is just as his name says a shake. He is a white colored drinking cup like you would see at a fast food restaurant fully equipped with a straw and lid. His eyes are often mean or angry looking and he rarely smiles. There is two wingslike shapes on both sides of his cup like body which are believed to be his hands. He gets enjoyment by picking on his friend and roommate Meatwad, swimming in his overweight neighbors pool, and by watching TV. This character is probably one of the coolest out of the bunch and I know you will have an awesome time learning how to draw Master Shake from Aqua Teen Hunger Force step by step. I will be back later on today with more tutorials so stay tuned there is more on the way.

#how to draw aqua teen hunger force characters #how to draw aqua teen hunger force
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