In this lesson on how to draw manga hair, you will be drawing six different types of styles that you can use on any character you want to draw. Start by drawing either six circles, or pick a style of your choice and go from there. Once the circles or
Next sketch out the shapes of the faces that will be used as dummy heads and then start sketching in some of the front lining for the manga hair. The head to the lower right hand side also has an ear shape drawn in.
Continue to sketch out the different styles of manga hair as you see here. One of my favorite styles is the head to the lower left hand corner. All the manga hair styles so far have jagged lines through out to intensify each style and shape.
For you last drawing step all you have to do is finish off the styles and then erase the guidelines that are visible when you started this lesson. Once that is done you can move to the remaining step to see how your manga hair should look when you ar
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October 1, 2009
Description: I wanted you guys to get another good lesson on manga related stuff. Yesterday I gave you a tutorial on manga faces, today I will be showing you “how to draw manga hair step by step”. Again there really isn’t too much to say about manga hair because it is just hair. Anime and manga characters are created with different styles of hair for both male and female creations. This tutorial focuses on both male and female styles that are commonly used on the characters that are written for the comics and for the animated cartoons. I also tried created one of my own styles too. Can you tell what style is my own? Anyways, I figure that you can never have too many lessons on anything related to manga and or anime. I really had so much fun with you guys yesterday in the live stream room. I always enjoy drawing in front of you all live because I get helpful pointers and suggestions from my fellow artists. This lesson will be easy to follow which is why I am labeling it under the novice section. I have to go because I have like seven more tutorials to submit. Have fun learning “how to draw manga hair step by step”. I will be back in the future with more drawing fun. Peace out guys!