How to Draw Liko, Pokemon Horizons


We will begin with the guidelines and shapes to help create Liko.


Now that you have your guidelines drawn out, go ahead and draw the shape of her face.


Now, we will draw in her neck, and shoulders, followed by the ends of her hair. All simple shapes.


Now you can draw in the shoulders and her clothing like you see it done for you here.


Next, let's work on her face. Start with the kind, friendly eyes and then draw the brows, nose, and mouth. Once the face is done you can draw in the hairline that frames her face followed by the V-shaped buerette.


For the last step, all you have to do is complete the hairstyle/head shape. Erase the mistakes (if any) and the guidelines to clean up the drawing.


When all is said and done your drawing of Liko should look like the one you see here. Have fun coloring her in.

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December 30, 2023

Description: Hey, there once again guys. I will keep the character creation going and upload lessons on the characters from Pokemon Horizons, the new anime-style series. Today I will show you how to draw Liko, step by step. She is one of the main characters of the series and I had a lot of fun drawing her because she wasn't too complex to recreate. I do hope you enjoy drawing these Pokemon characters. Let me know what you all think. Don't forget to love, like, fav, comment, and SHARE!

#pokemon drawings #how to draw pokemon horizons #how to draw anime pokemon #how to draw pokemon horizons characters #pokemon art
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