How to Draw Kyoko Sakura from Modoka

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Begin with a head shape or guide like so then sketch in the facial guidelines and the torso guidelines.


We will now define the shape of Kyoko'a face like so, and when you do this make sure to also include her ears.


Next, sketch in her hair by drawing four thick raised chunks of hair. This will be her bangs. Add the shape of her head too.


We will now draw in Kyoko's eyes. The upper lids should be darker or thicker. When that is done draw in the small nose and smile.


Finish her hairstyle completely by sketching out her long semi wavy hair. Kyoko wears her hair up in a ponytail so you will have to draw in the ribbon as well.


For the last drawing step we will draw in the shape of her neck, followed by the arms, jacket and undershirt lining. Don't forget to add detailing to her clothing. Erase your mistakes and guidelines/shapes that you made.


Here is the line art when you are all done. Now all you have to do is color in the drawing and show folks on Dragoart and any of your friends/family that you can draw Kyoko Sakura.

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February 9, 2017

Description: Today I have a lot of lessons that I think many people will enjoy. I will begin by showing you folks how to draw Kyoko Sakura from Modoka, step by step. The only thing that confused me about this character is that there are many names used for the anime and this is one of them. I don't want to get too deep into this description because I have so many lessons to upload I would like for them to be submitted early so folks can enjoy their time here on Dragoart instead of looking at the same tuts on the page. Having said that, have fun drawing Kyoko and I will be right back with some other lessons for you all.

#how to draw modoka #how to draw modoka characters
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