How to Draw Kip Supernova, Escape From Planet Earth

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Start off simple by drawing a circle with some facial guidelines in the middle.


Next, begin sketching out the structure of Kip's face along with the shape of his ear.


Using the guidelines make the shapes of his eyes, then color in the pupils. Make sure the cheeks are buckled under his eyes from his smile that you will draw in next. Add some eyebrows, then proceed to step four.


Kip wears a knit style like hat. What you will do is first draw the ribbed lid of his hat, then draw the top part that covers his head. Add detailing where needed, then you can tackle step five.


Luckily this is your last step. All you have to do here is draw Kip's shoulders and some of the chest. Add detailing to the clothing, then you're done.


Once the mistakes and guides have been erased, your line art should look like what you see here. Color Kip in, then you have completed the task through and through.

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February 14, 2013

Description: Almost every family movie has to have a couple things; a mother, father, son, daughter, brother, grandparents and so on, and at least one of them has to be different from the rest. That is the case with the movie Escape from Planet Earth. This tutorial is going to be on "how to draw Kip", which is Gary and Kira’s son. Kip is a young child that has a love and passion for action and adventure. His hunger for adventure is what gets him into trouble when he is caught by federal agents along with his uncle Scorch, and mother. All three of them are taken to Area 51 where they will be prodded, poked, and questioned. Dad has to find a way to save his family, and Kip has a thing or two to learn as well. Have fun drawing young Kip. I will meet you back here tomorrow for more artistic fun so come back around if you are done for today. Adios mi amigos!

#how to draw escape from planet earth #how to draw escape from planet earth characters
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