How to Draw Ki

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Like all figure lessons you will start this one the same. Start with an egg shape for Ki's head, and then draw in the guidelines for the face, neck, and torso. Don't forget to draw in the arms too.


Here you will start sketching out Ki's face and head shape like you see here and be sure to draw in the hair line too.


Here you will draw in more of her hair, and then draw in her almond shaped eyes. When that is done you can start the lining for her mouth or top lip and then draw the beginning shape of the headset she wears on her head.


Here all you have to do is draw out Ki's hairstyle which is pulled back in a series of rows. When that is done you can draw the ear-piece to her headset and move to step five.


Here is the step where you will be drawing in her eyes completely. That means you will need to sketch out her eyelids, eyelashes, and eyeballs. Ki has a very friendly looking face so make sure to try and draw her eyes to look kind.


Now that her hair, eyes, and head is all drawn in, you can now finish drawing out her mouth and lips like you see here. On the sides of her mouth is dimples so sketch those in as well.


Now that Ki's head is all drawn in you can now concentrate on getting her upper body drawn in. Start by sketching out the neck, and shoulders, and then begin drawing out her uniform which is a collar, straps, and some sort of padding.


Add some detailing to her Martian uniform like you see here, and then draw in some more of her hair in the back of her neck. Next, move to step nine once you feel your character looks like the one you see here.


Now is the time that you will start sketching out her arms, and her right hand. See how Ki is giving you a thumbs up, this is actually a pose from the movie trailer. When her arms are all drawn out, move to step ten.


You are only one more step away from completing this lesson on how to draw Ki from Mars Needs Moms. Continue to sketch out her uniform which is some sort of plated torso cover. This is shaped like a ribcage so that should give you a good idea on how    


For the last drawing step all you need to do is draw in the rest of her torso which is her waist and hips. Next, draw in her utility belt, and then draw the pouches that are attached to her belt. Erase the lines and shapes that you drew in step one t   


Here is what Ki looks like when you are all done. Now you can color her in and be on your way. A better idea is to draw Milo along with Ki to have a completed character drawing.

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February 16, 2011

Description: Okay guys, here is the other character from the new movie due to be released on March 11th of this year. Mars Needs Moms is going to be a funny hit flick that has lots of adventure, Martian characters, and lots of mommy and son loving time. I just recently watched another trailer for the movie, and I cannot wait for it to come to theaters. Although, I highly doubt I will pay twenty dollars for a movie ticket just to watch two hours of a movie. I will probably wait for it to be released into a Redbox machine near my house, and that will do it. Anyways, this tutorial is going to show you "how to draw Ki", step by step. Ki is a Martian from an outer space planet and she is considered to be a rebel. She helps Milo find his mother to free her from being a mom to the Martian children. Now of course I’m only guessing on what this movie is about, but I’m pretty certain that Mars Needs Moms storyline is somewhat close to what I described it to be. There is only one problem with this lesson, and that is the lack of knowledge I have for Ki. I do know that in the move trailer she has a good sense of humor, and she gets behind the controls of a spaceship. Anyways this is going to be a fun lesson on "how to draw Ki", and I think you will find that when you see the movie you will be ecstatic when it’s time to draw Mars Needs Moms characters. I have to go for now but I will return. Adios people, and remember to have an awesome drawing day.

#how to draw mars needs moms characters

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