How to Draw Hills

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Draw two horizontal lines, one is slopping upward, and the other looks like the top of a heart shape.


You will draw in more slopes like you see which will initially form the hills you are drawing. Add some speck lines to add some grassy texture, and then move to step three.


Almost there guys! All you have to do now is sketch out some full looking, puffy clouds that are coming in from both sides like so.


Lastly, draw a big circle for the sun, and be sire to draw the sun behind the wispy parts of the clouds like you see here. And finally, add more detailing to add even more grassy texture, and then a few spots for wildflowers. Erase the lines you drew   


In the end you should have an awesome drawing that looks like the one you see here. Color it in to your liking, and that's it.

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July 11, 2010

Description: This is the other scenery landscape drawing I was talking about in the previous tutorial, and this one is very bright looking and cheery. So, for my second tutorial, I will be showing you guys "how to draw hills", step by step. I know what you are thinking, “drawing hills is one of the easiest things to draw when drawing a landscape”. This is very true, but the whole purpose of this lesson is to aid you artists that don't know where to start, and how to finish. When you come to the conclusion that you want to "draw hilltops", you have to have some kind of vision for the sketch. For me, I was inspired by the many fields and farms that are in my area which are filled with hills, valleys, and greenery. Of course most of the scenery here where I live is mainly acres and acres of farmland. I just tweaked the vision a bit, and drew foothills in a way that welcomes the eye, and takes you on a visual journey all on it's own. The best part of this lesson is the fact that this will be an incredibly easy tutorial to learn from because all you are really drawing is a series of wavy lines, a few spots, puffy shapes, and a round circle. I think you will love teaching yourself "how to draw hills", step by step because you can include anything you wish to this landscape design to make it look like your own. I have to bounce on out of here because I have some other lessons I need to upload. I will be back in a few so keep your eyes peeled to see what else I have in store for you guys today. Peace people!

#draw landscapes #how to draw a landscape #draw a scene #how to draw a scenery #draw a scenery #how to draw a scene #draw a landscape #how to draw landscapes #draw scenery #how to draw scenery
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