How to Draw Dragons for Kids


Lets begin with this long, but helpful tutorial on drawing a dragon for kids. We will start with the dragon that is in the thumbnail. Start by making a round shape for the head, and then add a long neck line. Once that is done attach the neck to the    


Now that you have the guides all drawn out, start drawing the head structure. This is basically thickening the lines you already drew, but then add the shape of the nose.


Next, draw the horns, and then make the shapes for the eyes.


All you have to do here is draw in the eyeballs, and then color in two nostrils, and a crease on the bridge of the nose.


Now you will be drawing out the body starting with the thick neck. Move along to draw out the body, and then draw the back end of the dragon until it comes out looking like a pillow.


Here you will draw out the front legs and then the cute posed front feet. Be sure that the tips of each finger is pointed.


Draw in the belly and then draw the hind leg, foot, talons, and then the short stubby dragon tail.


Now that your dragon is all drawn in, you can now just simply clean up the guidelines and shapes that you drew in step one, and then draw out the wings.


This is what your dragon looks like when you are all done. Now you can have fun picking a shade to color it in. Proceed onto the helpful steps that will also show you how to draw a dragon with frills, and how to draw a dragon head.


Start with a shape for the head, and then draw a neck. Next, draw out the body shape which kind of looks like a rock.


Begin shaping out the face which is just the jaw line, and nose. When that is done move to the next step.


Now you will draw out the frills and if you look closely they look a lot like fish fins. Draw the frills on the sides of the head, and then on top of the head. Finish drawing out the head before moving to the next step.


Draw in the shapes of the eyes, and then draw the slitted pupils. Add dashes for the nostril holes, and then begin drawing out the body and tail the way you see it done for you here.


Now draw in the front and back legs, as well as the chest, and stomach. Be sure you take your time so you end up with this awesome looking dragon.


Now all you have to do is draw out the toes for the feet and then draw the detailing swirls on the elbows and knees.


Erase the guides and shapes you drew in the first step, and then draw out the one wing.


Now for the dragon heads. Make two shapes that are sort of odd in lining. Add the facial guidelines to the head on the right.


Now begin sketching out the structure of each head the way you see it done here, and notice how the two are very different in appearance.


Continue to draw out the heads. The one on the left needs to have the nose and mouth drawn in, and the head to the right has the jaw line and eyes all drawn in too.


Color in some eyeballs, and then draw out the tongue for the dragon head to the left. When that is done continue to draw out the head of the dragon to the right as well as the head frills.


Draw out the shapes of the necks, add some detailing and you are all done. Erase the guides and lines from the first step to clean up the drawing.


You have finished this full tutorial on how to draw a dragon for kids which includes the body and head. Hope you enjoyed this lesson and I also hope you learned something new.

Comments 2


· 2 years ago

I love your dragons!! I have to draw this one now!! Thank you Dawn!!


· 2 years ago

I am glad you like them. Thanks a million!



June 23, 2011

Description: Woo, it's another hot summer day on June 22nd! I've been drawing so much during this day, my fingers have come to a halt. To rev up your skills, sharpen your pencils, get some paper, and patience to create easy dragons you could possibly draw on your own. I'm a huge fan of these creatures, and I've incorporated them in lots of my work. Drawing dragons for kids should be an easy task, since I've created simple steps to enable any artist to draw them. Make sure your full of confidence as you draw so things will get spicy awesome! I really hope you'll like this tutorial since I've had a lot of fun finding a unique color scheme for the dragon in the preview. I've included a few awesome dragons in this tutorial, so you'll never fail the fun. Anyways, I'll be going now, it's time for me to write out my other tutorials. I hope you'll enjoy this tut as well as I have. Don't forget to show me your dragon drawings down the line, to see if this tut was easy enough. Thanks for viewing!

#draw dragons #dragon drawing #draw for kids #dragon drawings

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