How to Draw Dovahkiin Easy

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Let us begin with an oval like shape for the head, then sketch in the facial guidelines.


You will work on getting the helmet sketched out first because that is what covers almost his entire head. Draw the notches for the mouth area, then move to step three.


Here you will begin drawing the actual raised bridge that starts at the bottom of the helmet, and goes all the way back to the other side. Draw in the helmets holes for the eyes which are very stern in design.


Next, sketch out the trim and border detailing in the middle part of the helmet's mask, then begin the task of drawing the eyes, and all the definition around them.


Sketch the inner trim border for the bridge, then draw three claw like scratches on the forehead part of the helmet. Add detailing on the iron or steel designed mask, then proceed to step six.


Sketch out the shape of Dovahkiin's jawline and chin like so.


Rough sketch the beard or facial hair all over the bottom half of the face like you see here along with the closed unexpressive mouth.


Next step, draw the very edgy style horns that are spurting from the helmet. Add all the raised groove lines that makes up the detailing on the horns. Notice how the ends or tips curl in.


Lastly, draw the medium length hairstyle like so, then you can begin erasing the mistakes.


The line art should come out looking nice and clean. You are now ready to color in Dovahkiin to your liking.

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December 4, 2012

Description: I think many of you are familiar with the face you see before you now. This character is from Skyrim and he is very special indeed. His name is Dovahkiin and he is what you call a 'Dragonborn'. Dragonborns are rare and unique individuals that have the blood and soul of a dragon while staying in mortal human form. They are also the only ones that can talk and understand dragon language. I do have a lesson on Dovahkiin, but I just wanted to make another, but this time on "how to draw Dovahkiin easy", step by step. If you are a massive Skyrim fan you will definitely enjoy this tut. I will be back because there is still some lessons that need to be submitted so stay tuned in. Peace out people.

#how to draw skyrim characters #how to draw skyrim

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