How to Draw Couples

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Ok, this is something very important I'd like to introduce you folks to. 1) The lovely romantic couple. Drawing this type of couples includes having faint facial expressions and graceful poses, such as the one in the example. 2) The playful yet charm   


Ok, there are two types of people in a relationship. There is a person who serves as the 'passive' side of the relationship, which basically means, they're the 'shy' or 'weak weight' in the relationship. Drawing a passive person requires a few traits   


This is a sketch of a dominant face. A dominant person usually controls the relationship and takes way. There are countless ways to draw these type of people. To be simplistic, I label just a very common one. 1) The brows are slanted, with a slight c   


Ok, like I briefly stated in the tip above, not all relationships have a Dominant and Passive side. There are relationships that are completely equal each person. Here I give an example of what I mean more clearly. As you can see, the 'Mixed' couple    


Draw two circles for the heads, and then add the guidelines for the faces and bodies like so.


You will now start sketching out the side profiles of their faces like you see here. Start with the foreheads, and then move to sketching out the noses, mouths, chins, and jaw-lines.


Here you will draw in their eyes, and eyebrows. Make sure to sketch them out in a very loving, and romantic expression. Once the eyes are all done, draw in the mouths or lips, and then sketch in his ear.


All you have to do here is start sketching or drawing out their hairstyles. This can be drawn in this style of hair, or you can sketch out the hairstyle of your choice. I drew long hair on the female, and a semi-short style on the male.


Draw in her shoulder, and then sketch out her arm and hand like so. That's pretty much it just move to step ten.


Now you will sketch out the mans shoulder, back shoulder line, and then draw in his and her chest, as well as his arm and hand which is placed on the side of her head. This couple is about to kiss.


Now its time to basically finish sketching out the female and the drawing. Draw in her arched back, as well as her thighs, and stomach. Once that is done you can move down to the last step and finish her off.


Now all you need to do is draw in her top, and then draw in her bottom. You can choose to have her in a bathing suit like you see here, or dress her up in a dress. Once that is done draw out his torso, and then draw in his muscle shirt. Erase the lin   


Here is what your characters look like when you are all done. It's now time to color them in, and use what you learned in this tutorial on how to draw couples.

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March 16, 2011

Description: I had so much fun making this tutorial on an anime style couple that I have been waiting so long to do. I was just waiting for someone to request this type of lesson so I had an excuse to draw it out, and break it down in steps. I present to you “how to draw couples", step by step. There is a few tips and example on the many different poses, and expressions that you can draw a couple in. The first tip step just shows you the three types of poses that couples usually embrace each other with. I included rough sketches of them being romantic, playful, and a comical rough. I wanted to sketch out a couple that seemed to love each other and had passion between them. Finding a reference picture to work from was a bit challenging because I didn't know where I could find a picture of two people that genuinely looked like they where in love. As I keep trying to think of something, it hit me. I was brought back to the other night when my mother was watching this movie called “The Notebook” staring Ryan Gosling, and Rachel McAdams. The cover of the DVD is what inspired me to draw the couple in the pose you see in the thumbnail. I can't remember when I had so much fun drawing anime people, and I am so glad that someone finally asked for me to make a lesson on "how to draw couples", step by step. I do hope you enjoy the tutorial. The great thing about this submission, is the fact that you can draw the hairstyles, clothes, and facial expressions any way you like. I guess that's it guys, I will be back tomorrow with more drawing fun. Peace peeps and enjoy the tutorial.

#how to draw love #how to draw a couple

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