How to Draw Club Penguin Penguins
First off start to draw G's, Rockhoppers and Aunt Arctic's body shape, but don't draw them to far down on the page you need room for the word "CLUB PENGUIN".
So you don't get mixed up i put the next steps in pink. OK now this is the fun part "drawing the clothes, RockHoppers Puffle and There feet, Can't forget feet.
Ok now just finish the bits and pieces and then your finished G, RockHopper and his Puffle and Aunt Arctic.
OK now this is where the words "CLUB PENGUIN" comes in club needs to be a bit bigger then penguin. P.S put it in bubble writing.
OK now here you can make the word "CLUB PENGUIN" (That might be getting annoying now, but your not the only one I'm getting annoyed with it to) do the same thing with bubble writing just go around all of the letters at the same time.
OK almost done, I used yellow for this one but you should know what i added in this one, OK it's the same thing with the bubble again but you start at G then go down and around the letters/words and go back up to Aunt Arctic.
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January 19, 2009
Description: This is another one of my drawings i have drawn for you all to learn how to draw some of the club penguin members. In this picture is G, RockHopper and Aunt Arctic. I hope you like it.