Draw a large egg shape and then add the facial guidelines for chibi Shadow. You will then draw the shoulder guidelines and then the other circle shape for the torso or body. Add arm guidelines and then the legs.
Next draw out the shapes of the eyes and then make sure that the eyebrows are slanted down in a mean hardcore way. You will then draw the small nose and color it in too before you move to the next step.
Wow, look at chibi Shadow's hair like style. That is what you will be drawing out next. Once that is done you can draw out his ears and then detail inside of them. When you are done you will need to add some outlining detail to the hair and or head.
Draw the shape of the lower face and then add his frown like grin. Sketch in the fluffy chest hair and then draw the arms and then the gloved hands.
For your last drawing step you will finish off the legs of chibi Shadow and then cap off his legs with some small chibi like feet. Start erasing the guidelines and shapes that you drew in step one to clean up your drawing.
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September 10, 2009
Description: Here is a character from Sonic the Hedgehog game series and I think you are all going to dig this. Everyone loves Shadow Hedgehog right? Well how about I show you guys "how to draw chibi Shadow the Hedgehog step by step”. Shadow is an extremely popular character from the game saga. So popular in fact, he is right up there with Sonic. There is this new character that I just recently heard of called Silver Hedgehog and he is wicked cool looking. I was originally going to do a lesson on him, but I figured I would wait until somebody requested him. There is also a series of new episodes that air on the Kids WB that have a bunch of the Sonic characters from the game. Anyway, I had a ton of fun drawing out chibi Shadow and I know you guys will too. This lesson was actually requested by a member and I figured it was something that a lot of members would enjoy. So strap on your pencils to your fingers, and begin learning from this tutorial on “how to draw chibi Shadow the Hedgehog step by step”. Don’t worry guys I will be back in a bit with more drawing fun. Peace peeps and have a crazy drawing day!