How to Draw Captain America

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you will start this first step with the basic guidelines and shapes sketching. Start with the shape of his head which is just a small circle. Next sketch in the facial guidelines so you will be able to draw his face in proportion. Now you will start    


Here in this step you will start drawing in the some more lines that will shape and form Captain America. Start with the face and head. Sketch out the shape of his head and then draw in the lining for the mask, eyes, nose, and mouth. Now sketch out t   


Okay now you can prepare yourself for detail sketching now cause you will have to start detailing his gloves and shape out his foot as shown. After that define his legs with some lines to form some nicely shaped muscles. Draw out two lines in the ins   


All you will have to do in this last step of drawing is draw out one more circled line on his shield and then the star smack dab in the middle. Now sketch in the "A" emblem on the mid part of his face mask with two wings on each side of his mask hel   


After you are done your sketch drawing should look like this or look similar to the one you see above. Now that we learned how to draw Captain America I feel like saving the world. All you have to do is color him in those famous red white and blue co   

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July 12, 2008

Description: Okay who is ready for another super hero tutorial? Well I figured I would fill a request from a user that believes that the next hero I will show you how to draw is in fact a true super hero. Of course I am talking about the fella that has an outfit that uses only three colors and they are from the American flag. Today I will show you how to draw Captain America. Now Captain America is from the Marvel comic’s family. This character made his debut appearance around the early 1940’s in Captain America Comics and ran with that for years. It’s been reported that a total of over 200 million copies of this particular comic has been sold to over 75 countries. The creation of Captain America was purely political when writer Joe Simon and artist Jack Kirby conjured up the bold looking character. Both Joe and Jack felt strongly on how the world was being run (particularly the United States), they felt that a message had to be sent about the actions taken by Nazi Germany which eventually lead to the United States sticking their nose in the involvement of World War II. They knew that the U.S just could not by any means just ignore the situation and walk away, both Jack and Joe felt that the U.S. Government needed to have a say in what was happening around the world. The first Captain America Comic book was realesed on shelves in 1940. This was exactly one year before Pearl Harbor was bombed by the Japanese. The first released comic was a hit, it sold almost one million copies which means that people where really into this character that stood for peace, justice, and the American way. But not all people liked what was being realesed, in fact Joe Simon quoted that they received a ton of hate mail and threating letters. The heroes name was Steve Rogers and he was an under weight student that studied Fine Arts and specializing in industrialization. Originally Steve wanted to join the Army, but he was rejected because they felt his belief in the constitution was poor. After being turned away, a U.S. officer approached Rogers and told him that he can serve his country in a different way but it would involve being a guinea pig in new government testing. The testing project was called Operation: Rebirth. What the research involved top secret testing on creating and designing physically superior soldiers. Of course Rogers eagerly accepted and soon began receiving injections and oral ingestion of the formula labeled the "Super Soldier Serum" which was developed by scientist Dr. Abraham. The serum took to Steve Rogers’s body very well and the solution started to successfully alter his scrawny body into the maximum of human efficiency, including greatly enhanced musculature and reflexes. Soon after he began going by the name Captain America and gained popularity for his trademark for using only one weapon, his shield. The shield was a concave disk that was 2.5 feet in diameter, and it weighed 12 pounds. It is made of a unique Vibranium-metal alloy that has never been duplicated. He is a cool character. So today you will learn how to draw Captain America step by step with easy to follow instructions. Take your time and have fun.

#how to draw justice league characters #how to draw captain america characters
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