Make a circle for his head, then draw in the facial guidelines. You will then add the neck guide too.
Define the shape of Anthony's face shape like so, then begin sketching in the hairstyle which is flat and stuck to his head like all emo styles are.
Next, work with the facial guidelines as you begin drawing the shapes of his eyes. Draw out and color in the thick, dark eyebrows, then sketch the nose, and mouth. Don't forget to add that beauty mark or mole under his left or right eye and add the f
Complete Anthony's hairstyle which is pretty round and long down the neck. Add detailing to the hair, then sketch in his ear which is peaking through his hair. Detail his ear, then proceed to step five.
For the last drawing step all you have to do is draw the shirt which is also in the form of his shoulders. Add the collar line, then sketch in the wrinkling. Erase the mistakes folks and you are done.
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June 10, 2013
Description: Finally, here is the lesson that so many people have been waiting for. I know most of you guys have been fans of the Smosh dudes so I will be uploading both of them to Dragoart for all to enjoy. Here is the popular Youtube personality in tutorial form. Let’s learn "how to draw Anthony Padilla", step by step. Anthony is the actual founder of Smosh Productions and was a Newgrounds member before he ever joined YouTube and his user name ‘Smosh’ was first used on Newgrounds as well. Smosh consists of both Anthony and Ian. People think Ian is funnier than Anthony, but that’s okay because to girls (and guys), Anthony is the sexier dude that rocks a cool Emo hairstyle. I used to watch these Smosh dudes all the time before getting increasingly busy with Dragoart related stuff, but even though I have little time in my day, I still make time to watch what they conjured up on their YouTube channel. If you are a fan of Smosh, I know you will enjoy drawing Anthony Padilla. Peace out people and keep a look out for his better half Ian.