How to Draw Anime Noses

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Here is a drawing of the many different types of anime noses. I wanted to draw some of these styles to show you how different, manga noses look like. Check out this quick reference and see whcih one you want to draw.


This is another reference that I wanted to draw to show you the way you should draw the bridge of the nose. In most cases, anime/manga noses are very simple looking.


There are also different types and styles of nostrils, and nose tips that can make a character look totally different. Read and observe this helpful tip so you can understand how noses work.


Let's start this lesson now. Draw three slightly bended vertical lines.


Next, sketch out the different shapes of the noses like you see here. The two types of manga or anime noses to the left have top lips. Once this step is completed, you can move to the next step.


Now, for the female version of the anime nose, sketch out the nostril hole, mouth and lips. Repeat the same thing for the mouth on the male nose and mouth. As for the nose to the right, just add a nostril line. Erase the vertical lines that you drew    


In the end, you should have a drawing that looks like the one you see here. Use your newly drawn noses on one of your favorite character faces.

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April 28, 2010

Description: There is a lot of anime objects, people, and faces that I have as lessons on this site, and everyday I search for new things that I don't have. The other day, I noticed that there was no tutorials that showed you "how to draw anime noses", step by step. I don't know about you but, when I started out drawing anime/manga, the main thing I had a problem with was drawing the faces. This includes eyes, noses, and mouths. In order to get a nicely drawn anime or manga character, you have to know how to sketch out the aspects of the face. Over the years I have gotten better and better at drawing anime/manga characters, and because of all my practicing, I am able to produce quality drawings and lessons for all of you guys to enjoy and learn from. The technique of drawing anime noses is really not that hard at all. As a matter of fact, noses and mouths on these characters are one of the main parts of the face that is not detailed. Anime eyes and bodies are the main parts of the structure that is detailed. When drawing manga noses, all you have to keep in mind is how simple the noses look. They consist of straight broad lines, and nostrils. If you have a problem drawing this specific part of the face with your characters, this lesson on "how to draw anime noses" may be of help to you. In the mean time, I will leave this description so you can get to work on this tutorial. Meet me back here again for more drawing fun. Peace peeps!


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