How to Draw Anime Hair

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For this first step I am showing you all the different types of anime hair styles for females and males. As you can see there are five different types of face and hair style poses and each one of them is common. Lets move onto the first step of this    


Okay for your first step start with a circle for the head of the anime mannequin and then add two long curled hair strands that will fall around the front of the face.


In this next step you will draw out the shape of the jaw and chin of this female anime model. Once that is done you will draw a the right side hair strand that falls on her face. Next draw out the outline of the anime hair style and make it as long o   


Well you have made it to your last drawing step on how to draw anime hair step by step. All you will have to do now is add more detailing hair strands that are the length of the hair style. Once that is complete go ahead and start erasing all the gui   


Now that you are done your anime model should come out looking like the one you see here. All you have to do now is use what you have just learned on an anime character of your choice. Or you can draw some eyes, a nose and a mouth and color in the on   

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December 28, 2008

Description: Hello all welcome back to another awesome drawing lesson here on Today I will be showing you an easy way to learn "how to draw anime hair" on an anime model. The reason why I made this tutorial is because I know that there are a lot of members that still have trouble with drawing out the different aspects of anime/manga characters whether they are from a series or made up from their imagination. This lesson is going to teach you how to draw anime and manga hair step by step. The tutorial is not guaranteed to be a great help, but it will show you the very basics on how to draw anime hair. I have become such an anime fan over the past few years and I can seriously say that over time my anime character drawing has gotten better. I have a sketch book that I have been using for a little over a year and I can actually see the differences from my old drawings to new drawings. In my house I’m like the only one that draws. I’d love to teach my brothers and sisters to draw but they’re not interested in the subject. So anyways, this tutorial should be easy enough to understand for all skill levels. All you have to do is follow the step by step instructions and take your time, and you’ll have yourself some awesome anime hair. Also if you are going to be drawing a full figured model, you will also need to learn how to draw anime noses step by step as well. I will be back in a while with more drawing fun so stay tuned.


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