How to Draw an Easy Cow

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Start with an oblong shape for the head, and a large circle for the body like you see here. when that is all done, you can add the facial guidelines, legs, and tail line too.


Draw the actual shape of the head like so, and include the ear shapes with your design. Next draw the front legs, chest, and some of the stomach of this easy cow.


Draw in the oval eyes, and then color them in. When that is all done, you can draw out the other leg, and then the tail and back end of the body.


For your last drawing step, all you need to do is draw out the horns, draw the nose line and nostrils, and then add all the squiggly looking lines for the body markings. Erase the shapes and guidelines you drew in step one to clean up the drawing lik   


Now that you are all done, your easy cow comes out looking like the one you see here. Color her in, and wha la, you're done!

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October 7, 2010

Description: I just wanted to quickly put up this easy lesson that I forgot to submit the other day. I don’t think I need to say too much about this tutorial because it is based on an easy cow. There are several tutorials on the site when it comes to drawing a cow, and this one is probably one the easiest lessons I have. There is different ways you can draw a cow, but I chose to keep the design simple so everybody can tackle this submission. The cow design itself just consists of some simple round shapes, and the legs are drawn to match the shape of the cow’s body. One of the things I like most about this drawing or cow, is the fact I gave her some really pretty gold colored horns. Now of course you don’t have to color in your cow’s horns in gold, but if you want to do something like that too, you can. I guess that just about does it for this tutorial description. I will be back later on with some other fun stuff for you guys to draw. Peace out people, and have a fun drawing day!

#drawing easy #how to draw a cow #draw cows #cow drawings #cow drawing

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