How to Draw an Easy Girl

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Now since your girl is sitting in a subtle position, you will be drawing your character on a sideway view. Start by making the shape of her head, body, and bottom. Next, add the facial guidelines you see here for her face.


Begin sketching out the shape of her easy face, and then start drawing the hair line that neatly frames her face. Once that is complete, you can draw the neck, and shoulders.


Continue to draw out her long locks, and then draw an ear on the right side as well as detail inside of it. When that's done, you can draw her big pretty eye shapes, and then add a nose and a smile. Don't forget to draw the breast line.


Now begin drawing out the collar of her shirt, and then draw out her sleeve, and arm which is reaching out like you see here. Draw her hand, and then some of her hips like so.


Draw the waist, and then her hips and thighs. When that's all set you can draw out the cuts in her pants. Add a little detail to her clothes.


Draw the legs, and her feet, and then don't forget to draw in her toes. Add detailing to her ankle, and then draw in the eyeballs, and blush lines on her cheeks. Erase all the guidelines and shapes that you drew in step one.


This is how your drawing looks when all is said and done. Now you can color her in and have even more fun. Add some fun decor on her, or around her.

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October 2, 2010

Description: Drawing girls can be, and is almost always difficult to do. That is why I wanted to fill this request on a girl that will be easier than normal to draw. Today, I will show you "how to draw an easy girl", step by step. I have a bunch of lessons on all kinds of girl drawings. None of them however show you the easiest way to draw a girl, except of course the simple girl tutorial I have as well. This lesson shouldn't be that hard to tackle, and if you think about it, it’s a perfect concept for Halloween. You can draw a costume on this female figure and turn her into a trick or treater instead of a plain Jane. I think she looks pretty happy, so if you don’t whine up changing her style or look, I believe she will be just as happy as before. The whole easy concept that I came up with for this girl was pretty cool. I mean, at least she is not just sitting or standing there like a big log doing nothing at all. You can enjoy the fact that this tutorial will show you to "draw an easy girl" in a pretty and innocent pose that almost anyone would want to draw. Stick around guys because there is more fun coming your way here on

#how to draw a girl #draw girls #drawing easy #how to draw girls
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