Start in the middle go ahead and draw the start of the leaves and work your way out. The further away from the center you go, the larger the succulent leaves get.
Now draw more in at the bottom and add some detailing to one of the leaves. The succulent leaves are sort of shaped like spades.
Now that you got the hang of it, draw in the rest of the succulent leaves and notice how much bigger they are from when you started. When that is done draw in the small pebble-like rocks under the plant's leaves and draw in some of the pot rim.
Here you will finish the drawing by making the plant pot. Now you can erase any mistakes and guides to clean up the art.
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January 12, 2024
Description: Here we have a simple, cute lesson on how to draw a succulent. I wanted to do this lesson because I didn't see any tutorials here on Drago that teach you how to make a succulent easy so here it is. I just started caring for these adorable little plants and I do believe they are part of the cactus family. To me, they look like chibi cactus plants...so cute. Anyway, I do hope you enjoy this drawing lesson. It's not too hard to tackle and in the end, you will have yourself a cute drawing of a succulent.