How to Draw a Gerbil


Okay, guys. Start with drawing the guidelines and shapes.


Here you will draw out the gerbil's cheeks and then draw in the whiskers.


It's not in red, but you will draw out the shape of the face and ears. Notice how the lining is jagged or fluffed to create that fur or gerbil hair texture.


Draw out and color in the eyes. You will then draw the eyebrows, nose, and mouth. Once that is done you can draw the small hints of detailing on the forehead.


Start with the clothing in this step by drawing the collar of the shirt.


From there you will begin drawing the body, the tail and the two feet paws.


Lastly, draw the arms and paws and then draw out the detailing for the rest of the body. Erase the mistakes and the guides too.


Here is the line art when you are all done. Now you can have fun coloring in your gerbil anyway you like.

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January 12, 2024

Description: Hello everyone. Today I am back and like I said in the past I want to work on improving drawing animals so today I will start with showing you guys how to draw a gerbil, step by step. This gerbil was supposed to be a kawaii version, but I don't think I succeeded at that. Nonetheless, it still came out pretty good. Anyway, have fun drawing a gerbil. I will be back with another lesson before the night's end so you can either come back around or stick around, but my next lesson isn't made yet and it will take me a while to finish. See you soon.

#how to draw gerbils #how to draw rodents #gerbil drawings #gerbil drawing #gerbil art #gerbil artwork
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