How to Draw a Plateau

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Start your first step by drawing a sloping rocky side that has some grooves or rocky layers. This should be done on one side of your drawing surface, for me I chose the right side.


Next, we will work on getting the background drawn out. As you can see there is mountains, rock sculptures, and uneven ground that needs to be drawn to make the scenery look rugged.


Draw in all the detailing lines that will add texture to all the rocks like so, then off in the distance draw in some thorn like brush or bushes. As you know living in climates with harsh conditions makes vegetation scarce.


Draw in the actual rock like mountain or plateau like you see here. Now you can choose to make your plateau larger, wider, or even higher if you like. Once the shape and design of your plateau is drawn you can add the detailing to the surface.


Let's draw in another rock formation that seems to have an unstable appearance to the top. As you can see the rock that I drew has a flared bottom as it thins or narrows out at the top. It also comes to its narrowest point before a platform is formed   


Draw in the rugged background before leaving this step, and be sure to add what you like so you can erase he mistakes. The finished drawing will be fun to color in.


Here is your new drawing of a plateau. I hope you liked this lesson, and I also hope you find a use for this type of background or even foreground.

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August 21, 2012

Description: Hey guys, I'm back once again and with my return I bring with me a tutorial that is sort of odd, but not really. To switch things up bit I will be showing you "how to draw a plateau", step by step. I used to ask myself what a plateau actually was because I used to hear that word used in conversations. A while ago I found out that a plateau is a landform that is elevated thousands of feet above surrounding foundation. For example, say your in the Colorado Rockies and you come across this massive landform that is fourteen hundred feet up in the air and the at the very top it is level surface but then slopes downward. That is a plateau. Some popular plateaus around the world span thousands of miles, and can actually be formed by lava from millions of years ago. Here in the United States, the Colorado Plateau has a one hundred thirty thousand square mile area span which spreads across parts of Utah, Arizona, the Northwestern parts of New Mexico, and the western parts of Colorado. The biggest plateau in the world is actually located in Tibet, and it's called the Tibetan Plateau. It's elevation is more than sixteen thousand feet, and it's span is an amazing eight hundred eighty eight thousand square miles. Wow, now that is a massive site. I have never personally seen a plateau, but hopefully I will get the chance to see such a site sometime in my life. Drawing a plateau shouldn't be that difficult. The best part to this lesson is that you can tweak your level or slopping ground as you like. I will return with more drawing fun so stay tuned in to see what's next. Peace out and enjoy!

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