Up next, draw the actual structure and style of your lion's mane. I chose to add three sections to piece off the mane in an easier to draw manner. Draw the top of the hair in a style that resembles a crown.
Once the shapes of the eyes, eyebrows, snout, and jaw are drawn in, you can add the actual triangular shape of the nose followed by the one canine tooth and ears.
This lion is facing us in a very dominate stance. Because of this you will be drawing the lion's body on an angle. Start with the front leg and paw followed by the toe lines and foot arch. We will then draw the back leg much smaller then the front to
Lastly, draw the tail which is in a curly pose. Draw the tuft of hair at the end of the tail, then begin erasing your mistakes and guidelines.
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March 2, 2017
Description: The mighty lion is a beast that we all respect no matter what kingdom you come from. You can be an animal and know that the lion is who we all fear, want to be like, and admire. The same goes true for us humans as well. We all fear the lion, we wish we were fearless like him, confident, and majestic. Today, I will teach you novice artists out there how to draw a lion for beginners, step by step. I really wanted this lion to look impressive even for being a lesson or drawing for folks who are new to drawing. Why should simple lessons have to look like they are so easy, they should be for a two year old. My lion is not only easy to draw, he is majestic and cool looking which will make you feel proud that you drew such an impressive looking animal. Do have fun, and let me know if you enjoyed this lesson and if it helped you at all. Your feedback matters no matter what it may be.