How to Draw a Deku, Deku, Deku Link

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Draw a circle for the head and then draw in the face guide. You will end this step by drawing out the shape of the body.


Thicken the lining you drew in step one foe the head and then draw in a ball like shape for the mouth. You will then draw in the icicle shaped hair chunks like so before you leave.


Now you will need to draw out Deku Link's long, cone shaped hat. Make sure that the bottom of the hat is touching the ground and relaxed at the end. Draw the almond shaped eyes and add some detailing to the mouth. These definition lines will turn a r   


You are almost done guys, all you have to do now is draw out Link's arms, torso, and then draw in the half gloved hands including fingers, and then draw out the waist for his pants.


Next and lastly, draw out the small legs and big boots. Be sure to add that sole and small heel to the bottom of the boot and then sketch in the last minute detailing on the clothing. Erase the lines and shapes to clean up your drawing to perfection.


This is the finished drawing when you are all done. Now color in Deku Link to try and put a smile on that frown.

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September 17, 2011

Description: This is probably one of the cutest forms that Link takes on in the Legend of Zelda series. I have also been asked to make a tutorial on "how to draw Deku", or Deku Link step by step. He turns into a little wooden creature when he puts on the Deku mask. The Deku are a form of beings that live in Deku palace. I don’t know too much about the Deku, but I know that the entire purpose to completing the quest is to free a monkey, but in order to free the monkey Link had to go to a dungeon of some sorts to defeat a boss in order to save the Deku princess. The Deku exchanges the monkey for the princess and the quest is finished as far as the Deku board goes. I know I messed up a little but you have to understand that I am talking completely from memory. If you played the game you should know the story either better than I, or maybe even about the same. This lesson on drawing Deku Link is going to be pretty easy, and I think you will like it because of the fact that it is so awesomely amazing. I will be back tomorrow guys with more drawing fun so come back and join me to see what I have in store. Adios mi amigos!

#how to draw zelda characters
1 - Super Cool
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