How to Draw a Campfire

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Draw a circle for the ring of the fire. from that ring draw eight vertical lines in different angles for the wood pieces that are obviously apart of the fire.


In this next step you will first draw out the thickness of the wood, and then start drawing the shapes of the flames.


Now in this step all you really have to do is draw out more shapes of the flames as you see here and then ad some flaming detailing.


Detail the wood pieces by sketching in the bark definition.


Here is your last drawing step and all you have to do is draw out each rock that surrounds the campfire in detail and for completion. Erase the guidelines and shapes that you drew in step one.


This is your finished line art and now you are ready for coloring. I hope you had fun learning "how to draw a campfire" step by step.

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June 21, 2009

Description: Well summer is officially here and you know what that means, camping, beaches, picnics, bike riding, cookouts, amusement parks, and of course the nightly campfires. I love summer because I get to do a bunch of fun stuff that can be talked about everyday. For my third lesson I will be showing you “how to draw a campfire step by step”. Campfires are absolutely amazing to sit in front of, cook marshmallows with, and even s’mores. There is so many places where you can build a campfire at and I wanted to draw the most typical one that comes to mind. Everyone has a different mental picture of a campfire right? Well, I drew the kind that is most mentally thought about. If you were in the “Boy scouts”, I’m sure you learned "how to build a campfire" and you also learned some basic survival skills if you were to get stuck in the woods. I know my brother leaned some cool ideas and techniques like carrying a whistle, having a flint in your pocket or on your keyring, and even a small portable keychain flashlight. I mean there is a lot more things that you learn while in the boy scouts, those are just the ones I know about. Anyway, this tutorial is pretty simple. All you really have to do is take your time and have fun. You will learn soon enough “how to draw a campfire step by step”. I shall return once again so stay tuned in ya’ll.

#how to draw a fire

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