How to Draw a Bouquet

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There is four blooms in the bouquet and they are all different sizes. The shapes will be different in size because each bloom is different in size. Once the shapes are drawn in make one stem line.


Now start sketching out the centers of the flowers and as you can see they all look like little clouds. Draw in the small centers too.


Now you will draw out the blooms themselves and as you can see there is only one flower that has actual separately drawn petals like you see here. Draw the small shape of the rose bud, and then move to the next drawing step.


Draw in the rose and then draw all the leaves that should be drawn under each flower. This almost makes it look like a bed for the blooms.


Before you move to the last drawing step all you have to do is draw out each stem for each flower and then some. Once that is done, you can erase the lines and shapes that you drew in step one.


Draw in the two bottom leaves, and then add all the detailing on each leaf which is the veins or ribs. Erase the lines and shapes that you drew in step one and then move to see what your drawing should look like.


Here is the finished product when you are all done. Go ahead and choose your shades to color in your bouquet. I thank you for joining me with this tutorial on how to draw a bouquet.

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April 6, 2011

Description: Well, it's April and that means Spring is here. In some places there is already trees with small green colored buds that are ready to start blooming in May, and there is also no more snow that covers the grass covered ground. Now is the time to draw flowers of all sorts. Today I will be teaching you "how to draw a bouquet", step by step and as you know bouquets are nothing more than a bundle of flowers bunched up together and usually tied or bound at the bottom. One of the more recognized bundle of flowers is a brides bouquet. The arrangement of flowers can be made up of a bunch of different types of blooms, or just a bunch of the same flower that is loved or is a favorite by the receiver, or purchaser. I chose to draw a bouquet of a variety of flowers that can easily be drawn by anyone who wants to tackle this lesson. This is also a great tutorial to use if you are looking for a nice design for an Easter card, or drawing decoration. I have always loved drawing flowers, and because of this I give you this lesson on a beautiful bouquet. Have fun everyone and be sure to keep the requests coming in so I know what you all want to see or learn from. Adios people, I'll be back tomorrow with more drawing fun.

#how to draw bouquets #draw a bouquet

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