Drawing Sheele from Akame Ga Kill

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Again, we will start off with a round head guide and this will be attached to a neck guide line as well as the body guides.


Create a defined face shape like so and then draw in the bangs which should be thick and separated. Add a tiny nose and simple mouth line.


We will now draw in the glasses as well as the eyes and eyebrows. Add the ears and be sure to thicken those frames.


Finish the head shape by drawing out the rest of her hair. As you can see Sheele has long, long straight hair that is layered. Create that look now.


Let's work on Sheele's body and clothing. Start with the shape of her neck and then draw the shoulders. We will add the lumps for each breast, then draw in the thick, bold, dark lines for the border design of her top. Add some dots and then draw the    


For the final step draw the shape of her hourglass figure and then finish the arms and gloves. To complete the lesson and step, add the belly button, crotch lining and then the sides of her hips. Erase the guides and mistakes before you call your dra   


Once you color Steele in, you should have a completed drawing on Steele from Akame Ga Kill!.

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October 22, 2015

Description: I will step away from the Tokyo Ghoul character lessons for a bit and submit this one on a different face from a manga called 'Akame Ga Kill!. Here is how to draw Sheele, step by step. Unlike MANY manga/anime stories, Sheele is a single word name given with no distinctive last name to trace her heritage. Instead he single worded name makes Sheele almost like a rouge. Sheele has long purple colored hair and a real sultry body or figure. She wear glasses, but whether they are to aid her eyesight or not, I can not say. I do know that drawing Sheele will be a lot easier than you think. You should finish this tut in as little as twenty five minuets. Enjoy and let me know of any other characters you would like to see on Dragoart.

#how to draw akame ga kill #how to draw akame ga kill characters

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